import requests import signal import webbrowser import json import time from PIL import Image, ImageStat from io import BytesIO IP = "" PARAMS = {'sid' : 'Drive'} run = True def signal_handler(sig, frame): global run print('U pressed Ctrl-C') run = False # DEFINE ALL URL's def set_vel(vel): OMNIDRIVE_URL = "http://" + IP + "/data/omnidrive" r =, params=PARAMS, json=vel) if r.status_code != raise RuntimeError("Error: post to %s with params %s failed", OMNIDRIVE_URL, PARAMS) def bumper(): BUMPERURL = "http://" + IP + "/data/bumper" r = requests.get(url=BUMPERURL) if r.status_code == data = r.json() return data["value"] else: raise RuntimeError("Error: post to %s with params %s failed", BUMPERURL, PARAMS) def distances(): DISTANCE_URL = "http://" + IP + "/data/distancesensorarray" r = requests.get(url=DISTANCE_URL, params=PARAMS) if r.status_code == data = r.json() return data def Camera(): CAMURL = "http://" + IP + "/cam0" r = requests.get(url=CAMURL) while r.status_code != r = requests.get(url=CAMURL) img = return img def BrightnessCalc(img): lum = img.convert('L') stat = ImageStat.Stat(lum) return stat.mean[0] def GetImageAndBrightness(): vec_to_rotate_left = [0,0, 0.5] vec_to_rotate_right = [0,0, -0.5] image = Camera() width, height = image.size left_image = image.crop((0,0,width/2,height)) right_image = image.crop((width/2,0,width,height)) Left_Brightness = BrightnessCalc(left_image) print("Left Image Brightness " + str(Left_Brightness)) Right_Brightness = BrightnessCalc(right_image) print("Right Image Brighness " + str(Right_Brightness)) if Left_Brightness > Right_Brightness and Left_Brightness - Right_Brightness > 15: print("Left is brighter then Right") set_vel(vec_to_rotate_left) and print("Rotate Left") if Right_Brightness > Left_Brightness and Right_Brightness - Left_Brightness > 15: print("Right is brighter then Left") set_vel(vec_to_rotate_right) and print("Rotate Right") def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) try: while False == bumper() and True == run: GetImageAndBrightness() time.sleep(0.3) except Exception as e: print(e) return 1 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": main()