#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import pygame, signal, sys, time, os, RPi.GPIO as GPIO from pygame.locals import * #GPIO startPin = 32 errorPin = 31 enableErrorTimeAddingPin = 15 shutdownPin = 3 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(startPin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(errorPin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(enableErrorTimeAddingPin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(shutdownPin, GPIO.IN) #other constants timePerError = 5 # every time the wire is touched, some time is added as penalty. only active when enableErrorTimeAddingPin is active screenSizeX = 1920 screenSizeY = 1080 pygame.init() #colors greenColor = pygame.Color(42, 217, 13) blackColor = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0) yellowColor = pygame.Color(230, 198, 4) grayColor = pygame.Color(128, 128, 128) brownColor = pygame.Color(192, 119, 22) mainFontColor = greenColor #fonts font1 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 90) font2 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 65) font3 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 45 ) # preset highscores hs1_name = "Fritz" hs2_name = "Bernd" hs3_name = "Max" hs1_time = 100 hs2_time = 200 hs3_time = 300 # name length for highscores MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 10 def signal_handler(sig, frame): print('Programm exiting') exit_application() def toggle_fullscreen(): screen = pygame.display.get_surface() tmp = screen.convert() caption = pygame.display.get_caption() cursor = pygame.mouse.get_cursor() # Duoas 16-04-2007 w,h = screen.get_width(),screen.get_height() flags = screen.get_flags() bits = screen.get_bitsize() pygame.display.quit() pygame.display.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w,h),flags^FULLSCREEN,bits) screen.blit(tmp,(0,0)) pygame.display.set_caption(*caption) pygame.key.set_mods(0) #HACK: work-a-round for a SDL bug?? pygame.mouse.set_cursor( *cursor ) # Duoas 16-04-2007 return screen def clearScreen(): screen.fill(blackColor) return def handle_events(): print("Status der Pins:") print("Start Pin:", GPIO.input(startPin)) print("Error Pin:", GPIO.input(errorPin)) print("Stop Pin:", GPIO.input(shutdownPin)) #if GPIO.input(shutdownPin) == True: #shutdown_raspberry() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: shutdown_raspberry() else: if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == KEYDOWN: exit_application() time.sleep(0.1) return def exit_application(): pygame.quit() GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit() return def shutdown_raspberry(): pygame.quit() GPIO.cleanup() os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") return def enterName(): clearScreen() print('text entry started') name = '' while True: clearScreen() highscore_surface = font1.render('High Score!', True, mainFontColor) highscore_rectangle = highscore_surface.get_rect() highscore_rectangle.topleft = (700, 210) screen.blit(highscore_surface, highscore_rectangle) textbox_surface = font2.render('Enter name: ' + str(name), True, mainFontColor) textbox_rectangle = textbox_surface.get_rect() textbox_rectangle.topleft = (700, 350) screen.blit(textbox_surface, textbox_rectangle) pygame.display.flip() for event in pygame.event.get(): if len(name) < MAX_NAME_LENGTH: if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: name = name[:-1] else: name += event.unicode elif event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: name = name[:-1] elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: clearScreen() return name clearScreen() name = 'Error' return name def checkHighscores(time): global hs1_time, hs2_time, hs3_time, hs1_name, hs2_name, hs3_name if time <= hs1_time: print ('new high score:'+str(time)) #make the second the third hs3_time = hs2_time hs3_name = hs2_name #make the first the second hs2_time = hs1_time hs2_name = hs1_name #new high score hs1_time = time hs1_name = enterName() return elif time <= hs2_time: print ('new second:'+str(time)) #make the second the third hs3_time = hs2_time hs3_name = hs2_name #new second time hs2_time = time hs2_name = enterName() return elif time <= hs3_time: print ('new third:'+str(time)) hs3_time = time hs3_name = enterName() return else: return #signal handing for controlled exit via ctrl+c signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # hide mouse screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenSizeX, screenSizeY), pygame.FULLSCREEN) #pygame.display.set_caption('Heisser Draht') # not required for fullscreen application #screen = toggle_fullscreen() while True: # main loop #global label storage print("New game starting") time_surface = 0 errors_surface = 0 time_rectangle = 0 errors_rectangle = 0 header_surface = font1.render('Dr' + u'ü' + 'cken Sie Start!', True, mainFontColor) header_rectangle = header_surface.get_rect() header_rectangle.topleft = (600, 280) highscore_header_surface = font2.render('Highscores:', True, mainFontColor) highscore_header_rectangle = highscore_header_surface.get_rect() highscore_header_rectangle = (670, 410) score1_surface = font3.render(hs1_name + ": " + str(hs1_time) + 's', True, yellowColor) score1_rectangle = score1_surface.get_rect() score1_rectangle.topleft = (670, 500) score2_surface = font3.render(hs2_name + ": " + str(hs2_time) + 's', True, grayColor) score2_rectangle = score2_surface.get_rect() score2_rectangle.topleft = (670, 590) score3_surface = font3.render(hs3_name + ": " + str(hs3_time) + 's', True, brownColor) score3_rectangle = score3_surface.get_rect() score3_rectangle.topleft = (670, 680) screen.blit(header_surface, header_rectangle) screen.blit(highscore_header_surface, highscore_header_rectangle) screen.blit(score1_surface, score1_rectangle) screen.blit(score2_surface, score2_rectangle) screen.blit(score3_surface, score3_rectangle) pygame.display.flip() while GPIO.input(startPin) == False: #wait for the user to press start button handle_events() errors = 0 errorAdded = False #justStarted = True header_surface = font1.render('Spiel l' + u'ä' + 'uft!', True, mainFontColor) time.sleep(5) start_time = int(time.time()) while True: # game running print("Game running normally") handle_events() if GPIO.input(errorPin) == True: if errorAdded == False: errors += 1 errorAdded = True else: errorAdded = False if GPIO.input(enableErrorTimeAddingPin) == True: int_time = int(time.time()) - start_time + errors * timePerError int_time = int(time.time()) - start_time time_surface = font2.render('Zeit: ' + str(int_time) + 's', True, mainFontColor) time_rectangle = time_surface.get_rect() time_rectangle.topleft = (640, 480) errors_surface = font2.render('Fehler: ' + str(errors), True, mainFontColor) errors_rectangle = errors_surface.get_rect() errors_rectangle.topleft = (640, 560) clearScreen() screen.blit(errors_surface, errors_rectangle) #errors screen.blit(time_surface, time_rectangle) #time screen.blit(header_surface, header_rectangle) #header pygame.display.flip() #if GPIO.input(startPin) == False: # justStarted = False #if GPIO.input(startPin) == True and justStarted == False: if GPIO.input(startPin) != True: print("Game ended because start pin wasnt true") checkHighscores(int_time) clearScreen() header_surface = font1.render('Game over!', True, mainFontColor) screen.blit(errors_surface, errors_rectangle) #errors screen.blit(time_surface, time_rectangle) #time screen.blit(header_surface, header_rectangle) #header pygame.display.flip() #while GPIO.input(startPin) == False: # handle_events() #while GPIO.input(startPin) == True: # handle_events() #while GPIO.input(startPin) == False: # handle_events() clearScreen() time.sleep(10) break